Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 05, 2012

Katie Holmes sues Tom Cruise for divorce

The divorce of Tom Cruise Katie Holmes suddenly felt for many people. But, in fact, women 33 years to prepare for a long time. In fact, indirectly, Katie Holmes revealed it to the Elle magazine reporter during an interview for the August issue later.

In the interview which took place six weeks ago, the Katie Holmes looks reluctantly when asked about Cruise. "It's been 30 years of Tom Cruise is known as now," Katie Holmes said at the time, as reported by the People yesterday (5/7). "I know who I am. I know my position and I know what I want next. So, I want to focus on it," Katie Holmes continued.

Katie Holmes sues Tom Cruise for divorce

Artists who have starred on Dawson 's Creek is also claimed to feel comfortable with Katie Holmes life now after the age of 30. According to Katie Holmes, what happened when Katie Holmes was in their 20s is the search for identity that is sometimes excessive.

"Now I start to be myself. I was like entering a new phase," Katie Holmes said.Recognition, perhaps, explains the reason Holmes still look relaxed despite the crowded world of talk about parting with a man who became a favorite of many women. When appearing for the first time after filing for divorce on Tuesday (3/7), Katie Holmes still spit a lot of smiles. "I'm fine,"  Katie Holmes told New York Daily News reporter.
Katie Holmes sues Tom Cruise for divorce

If Holmes is fine, Cruise different. Cast the movie Top Gun looks gloomy. Birthday party which was originally played on a large scale in New York canceled.

Of Iceland, Katie Holmes went to her apartment in California. There  Katie Holmes spent time with Connor and Isabella, two children from the marriage to Nicole Kidman.

According to several people close to Cruise, a man who had just been named as the actor with the highest incomes over the last year by Forbes magazine called it several times seen Suri, his daughter, who is now with Holmes. In the talks, there was no discussion about the divorce. Katie Holmes tried hard to seize custody of Suri Holmes's hand.


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