Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 2012

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (February 22, 1857 - January 1, 1894) is a German physicist who discovered the transmission of electrical energy from the second point (point) cordless (wireless). The most recent discovery is the electric charge jump.

His name is immortalized in units of hertz frequency.

Hertz is the SI unit of frequency. Hertz said the service was chosen for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz appreciate his contribution in the field of electromagnetism. Hertz stated the number of waves in one second (1 Hertz = 1 wave per second). This unit can be used to measure any periodic waveform. Example: The frequency of motion of a pendulum wall clock is 1 Hz.

Hertz demanding educational institution the University of Kiel, University of Karlsruhe, University of Bonn. Alma mater at the University of Munich, University of Berlin. He was a doctoral supervisor of Hermann von Helmholtz. He was also known for his discovery of Electromagnetic Radiation and the Photoelectric Effect.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz regarded as the most instrumental figures in the field of electromagnetism, a branch of physics that studies on electromagnetic fields of electric and magnetic fields. The electric field can be produced by a static electric charge and can give rise to electrical forces. The magnetic field can be produced by the movement of electric charges, such as electric current flowing along the wires and give rise to magnetic forces.

The term "electromagnetism" comes from the fact that electric and magnetic fields are mutually related, and in many ways, it is impossible to separate the two. For example, changes in the magnetic field can give rise to an electric field; which is the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, and is the basis of the operation of electric generators, induction motors, and transformers.

The term electrodynamics is sometimes used to refer to the combination of electromagnetism with mechanics. This subject deals with the effects of electromagnetic fields in the mechanical properties of electrically charged particles.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz


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