Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011

Kim Kardashian Got Stress - Psoriasis disease (immune system is pathogenic to accelerate the growth of skin cells) Kim Kardashian experienced relapse due to stress after divorce with Kris.

Based on a dermatologic diagnosis of experts last July, the cause of psoriasis in Kim Kardashian among others due to environmental factors and genetic factors.

"Changing from the beautiful to the ugly is the greatest fear, Kim Kardashian." The stress of making a fake marriage is considered the condition of Kim Kardashian getting worse and now Kim Kardashian is afraid the red spots will spread, "said a source in the National Enquirer Magazine.

not only unsightly, it also causes itchy and scaly, even painful.

"It's very painful, especially when Kim Kardashian is bedridden, Kim Kardashian is worried that the disease will spread throughout the body and Kim Kardashian is crying every time she seen the current condition." added the source.

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